Bonus888 Online Slot Gaming Myths & Facts

Bonus888 Online Slot Gaming Myths & Facts

Myths – as we know it, it means an idea or believe which is in most times not real.

Its fictitious or as some may call it idealized conception of certain things or places.

In other words, myth is normally translated as a story that comes from an ancient culture and includes supernatural elements.

Facts – as simple as it sounds, it’s a thing that is known to be true.


Difference between Myths vs Facts In Bonus888 Online


  • evidence is scientifically obtained.
  • Detailed and proven to be true
  • Can be proven or disproven
  • Used to explain the explainable


  • is passed thru word of mouth or passed down as stories
  • originates from thoughts and belief
  • Can be proven or disproven
  • Used to explain the unexplainable

As we have seen the difference between Myths and Facts – these also applies in online gaming.

Similar to the famous the Manu888 online casino, Bonus888 online casino also comes with its own myths and facts.

There are many myths concerning online slot games. People just don’t understand how it works and this causes distrust and doubt.

In actual fact, casino games are engulfed with many myths. This is because a lot of us don’t know how actually casinos operate.

And when this happens people tend to come up with stories.

In particular, it’s a common myth that every game in casinos is rigged and that’s how the house always wins.

Hence why its important to know the difference between fact and myths so one can better trust and have more fun.

Let’s expose the falseness of these ideas by looking at some of these myths and facts relating Bonus888 Online games.

Myths 1

  • All games are rigged in Bonus888 Online – a lot of us think and have made up our minds that all games rigged. Hence that’s why the losses. This myth is widely believed and accepted by most.

Facts 1

  • To verse the myth above, we must first understand how the games are programmed. 3rd party companies are the ones that program the games and machines and its always random numbers. The casinos also have no idea what, how, and when these numbers work out the way it works out

Conclusion 1 – Fact vs Myth

There is an edge where the casinos are allowed to win a bit but sufficient regulations are also in place to ensure players are not cheated.


Myth 2

  • Luck – There is a believe that there is certain time of the day is the lucky times to play and win. Certain games are believed to pay out during a slow time of day.

Fact 2

  • Truth is there is no reason or time when a game pays out. Its completely random and can happen anytime. So, there is no such thing as playing at the wee hours of the morning and so forth.

 Conclusion 2 – Fact vs Myth

There is just no lucky time or day for any winnings. Everything is random.


Myth 3

  • Lucky Machines – Stories are often told that employees always know which machines are lucky. And it’s expected to get close to these employees thinking we will be told to play at our lucky machines.

Fact 3

  • No one knows which machine is lucky. There is no any secret that casino employees hold in regards to lucky machines
  • An employee of a casino is merely employed to keep the area clean, verify wins and report is something is wrong

Conclusion 3 – Fact vs Myth

Basically, an employee is an employee and doesn’t supernatural powers to know which machine is lucky.


Myth 4

  • Bonus888 online auto spin reduces chances of winning – the thought that using the auto spin feature reduces your chances of winning instead of using the spin yourself

Fact 4

  • Auto spin just actually means you can play more games in a faster speed. And this causes you to lose money faster so people think its rigged. In actual fact its not rigged, the faster you play more games the faster you tend to lose money.
  • The only difference is you save few extra seconds with auto spin instead of hitting the spin yourself.

Conclusion 4 – Fact vs Myth

Saving the extra seconds by using auto spin doesn’t become a myth on online slot games are rigged.

It just saves you a few seconds of your time and increases your spins.


Myth 5

  • Cheating is possible – a lot of people think that if they know the algorithm to the settings, they can cheat they system.

Fact 5

  • The trick here is a lot of gamers have tried to hack and managed to see winnings at slot games.
  • However, these programs are not 100% correct and as much as winnings have happened using this hacking tools there has also been substantial losing.

Conclusion 5 – Fact vs Myth

With casinos regulations and monitoring this is not slightly possible and even caused gamers to be charged as criminals and banned for good

Myth or facts – whether online casino like Bonus888 online, Judikiss88 online or physical casinos, winning is depends on facts that you need to understand how a casino operates.

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